Marriage coach list 5 types of people who shouldn’t marry

A marriage coach identified as Linus Elisha has listed five types of people who should not go into the institution of marriage.

linus elisha

Marriage is an institution between two different genders created by God. However, the marriage coach has highlighted why some people should not go into the institution of marriage.

According to Linus Elisha, there are five types of people who shouldn’t go into marriage. He mentioned the first type of people who claim “they can’t take nonsense.” He stated that anyone who cannot take the nonsense that comes with marriage is not ready to marry.

Secondly,Linus mentioned that any woman who cannot submit to the leadership of her husband has no business with marriage. He quoted a bible verse supporting his submission.

Thirdly, he stated that the group of people who cannot easily forgive and let go also have no business getting married. He stated that everyone marries their friend, their lover, a giver, and a forgiver so anyone who cannot forgive cannot marry.

The fourth type of people he mentioned is the group of people who do not work as a team. He stated that marriage works when the husband and wife work together.

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