Ike Ekweremadu And Wife Remanded In Jail After First Trial


Ike Ekweremmadu Wife Uk jail Latest reports from the UK now has it that the Westminister Magistrate Court in London has remanded Sen Ike Ekweremadu in Jail after today’s court session.

According to reports from Arise News, the victim who was previously claimed to be 15 years old admitted to actually being 21 years old.

Ike Ekweremmadu Wife

Legal Counsel for the Ekweremmadu couple denied that there was exploitation or an intent to exploit the alleged victim.

The Case has now been adjourned till August 4th, and The Ekweremadus are to remain remanded in custody until the next hearing.

Recall that Ekweremadu and his wife were arrested by the London Metropolitan Police on the 23rd of June over an alleged human trafficking and organ harvesting which violates the UK’s Modern Slavery Act.

The police authorities accused the Ekweremadu Couple of conspiring to bring a child from Nigeria to the United Kingdom for organ harvesting, the police has reported the child to be a 15-year-old boy.

The Nigerian High Commission in the UK has sent a delegation to attend today’s court session.

Some of Ekweremadu’s colleagues in the Nigerian Senate are also in attendance for the court session including former Senate President David Mark, current Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Adamu Bulkachuwa and former Senate Minority Leader, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe.

Also in attendance is former Minister of State for Education and one time APC Presidential aspirant Hon Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba.

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