Yemi Alade slams policemen for harassing her dancer

Music star, Yemi Alade, has slammed policemen of the Lagos Police Command for allegedly harassing her dancer, Tomisin.

In her Instagram post on Sunday, Yemi Alade quoted the 30-year-old dancer as saying that he had been picked up because he was dancing in the streets.

“This is #NIGERIA ??, Lagos state CMS police station Yesterday, My dancer @tomisin_tomtom was harassed for dancing on the streets by policemen not wearing uniform.  What was his crime? dancing!!! Only in #NIGERIA that uniformed men will rather Prey on the innocent and protect the guilty.??✊? .

“Thankfully he was released yesterday but they have seized his phone.WHY? THEY SAID HE HAS TO COME AND SEE THEIR AREA COMMANDER THE NEXT DAY!! WHY?? WHY SUCH ABUSE OF POWER,” Yemi wrote.