Top Effective Ways To Stop Emotional And Binge Eating
There is nothing wrong with rewarding yourself with a large meal from time to time or even finding comfort in it. However, doing it too frequently can lead to a binge eating disorder – a condition that’s very challenging to overcome. Not only do you develop an unhealthy relationship with food, but you also lose all control over your life. Fortunately, there are many ways to stop this behavior before it takes over your life. Here are the top effective ways to stop emotional and binge eating.
Never Skip Meals
Skipping meals is the fastest way to guarantee you will be overeating when having your next meal. Missing breakfast will only leave you craving food until lunch, which will increase the chance of binging. Likewise, skipping dinner will cause your body to demand food overnight, and you will end up munching down way too many calories in the middle of the night. To avoid this, it’s recommended you stick to three balanced meals throughout the day, with two small snacks in between.
Say No to Restrictions
Like skipping meals, overly restricting your calories will only cause your body to compensate with compulsive eating later on. There are so many diets that offer a magical solution for losing weight – and many of them rely on putting limitations on your food intake. Needless to say, these solutions aren’t sustainable over a long period. However, they can also cause significant damage when used for a short duration. So, instead of looking for magical solutions, you should focus on implementing healthier dietary choices that will work out in the long run.
Use Supplements
While it’s caused by emotional issues, the compulsive need to eat is sometimes exaggerated by a lack of essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients in your body. You may be consuming enormous quantities of food – but if the nutritional value is low, they will only exaggerate the condition. By consuming a larger dose of micro-and macronutrients via supplements, you can restore the physiological balance in your body. Not only that but there are also supplements that reduce food cravings, so you don’t end up binging on all that nutrient deficient food. By choosing supplements containing only natural ingredients, you can also raise your intake of essential nutrients.
Drink Enough Water
Did you know that people often mistake thirst for hunger? This is because eating too much too often conditions your mind to compulsively reach for food whenever it lacks something. While your body does need a fair amount of energy to function, it needs water even more. Staying hydrated can boost your metabolism, which can also contribute to stress relief. Plus, drinking between 70 and 100 ounces of water means that you will probably drink some of it less than an hour before your meals. This can reduce the chance of overeating and even postpone your hunger pangs.
Apply Intuitive Eating Techniques
Intuitive eating means you learn to recognize actual hunger cues, and only eat when you notice them, and stop eating when they disappear. Your body has the power to do all that, but this ability is often suppressed by stress, and you end up eating large quantities of food when you aren’t even hungry. What most people find troubling about this, is that once they taste the food they really enjoy, they aren’t able to stop devouring it. If you have similar issues, over-the-counter appetite suppressants can help you control your portions. You will stop sooner because you will feel less hungry. This way, you will be able to enjoy your meals free of guilt and prejudice.
Consume High-Fiber Foods
Food rich in fiber takes longer to digest, which means it will keep you full for longer, preventing you from eating too much and too often. Foods containing high amounts of fiber are avocados, grains, bananas, Brussel sprouts, blueberries, chickpeas, carrots, and many more. Try consuming as many of these foods raw or uncooked, as cooking can reduce their fiber content. The more fiber you can consume, the more it can help cut down your craving.
Get Enough Sleep
Binge eating comes with a lot of negative emotions often causing stress which can be disruptive to your sleep patterns. The lack of sleep, in turn, will affect your mental and emotional state, raising your anxiety and forcing you to continue seeking relief in food, and so the unhealthy cycle begins. Getting enough sleep is fundamental to stress relief and can even reduce the risk of binging during the night. If you have trouble falling asleep, try some relaxation techniques that will calm your mind and help you get the rest you need.
Stay Active
Like getting enough sleep, physical activity can also help reduce anxiety levels. Unhealthy dietary patterns often develop as a way to chase away boredom, so by keeping yourself active, you give yourself less free time to snack. Even taking a 30-minute walk on a daily basis can help reduce the risk of binge eating. You can also find a new hobby that will keep you physically active and raise your confidence levels. This will enable you to stop relying on food as an emotional crutch.
Develop Healthy Relationships
One of the biggest reasons you may seek comfort in large quantities of food is because your emotional state is unbalanced or you could be in unhealthy relationships. Unfortunately, binging only offers short-term relief and soon fades away, leaving in its wake guilt and shame which will further damage your emotional state. Establishing healthy relationships with your loved ones and building some new connections can help reduce the risk of turning to food for emotional relief. After all, if you have people you can turn to with your problems, you won’t have a reason to use food anymore.
The tips from this article can help you develop a healthier relationship with food and avoid a myriad of health issues binge eating can cause. Making the appropriate lifestyle changes will be the foundation on which you can build your strength and determination and overcome the emotional rollercoaster that comes with binging. That said, if you still can’t stop your behavior, it’s a good idea to seek professional assistance. It can help you uncover the root of your issues and develop an effective treatment plan.