Here is How You Can Win a Brand New Phantom 9

The popular and well-known @djconsequence described the Phantom 9 as a device that never runs out of storage. Others like the famous entrepreneurs @gossyomega and @dartistebyawele have also shared their experiences with the device.

According to Gossy Ukanwoke, “The Phantom 9 is fast. It helps my productivity and the battery life is excellent”

The Phantom 9 is a new smartphone that is currently making waves in Nigeria. It is a smartphone designed for all kinds of business minded individuals to boost their productivity and efficiency.

As a traveler, food blogger, makeup artist, photographer, or entrepreneur, the TECNO Phantom 9 is equipped with lots of amazing features that will make your work seamless.

Top celebrities like VJ Adams, artists like Adam Zango and others are also having a great experience with this device.

So here is an opportunity for you to join the celebrities and have a #Phantom9experience

How to join the Phantom9Experience? Here’s what you have to do to:

  • Create a less than one-minute video or image of your #Phantom9Experience showing how any one of the specs of the phantom 9 can aid your productivity.
  • This should be posted on each of the entrepreneurship categories shared on TECNO Social Media pages (eg Food Photographer, Music or entertainment, Instagram Seller or Business Man/Woman)

On Facebook, Post as a comment under the activity post using the hashtag #MyPhantom9Style

On Instagram and Twitter, Post on your page using the hashtag #MyPhantom9Style and #Phantom9Experience.

You can also Participate on TECNO Forum (TSPOT), Simply post your entry on the activity thread stuck on the front page

The best entry video/image with the highest number of Replies, likes or retweets on each category will smiled home with a brand new Phantom 9

This Activity will run from 1st August – 28th August 2019

So what are you waiting for? Join the Phantom 9 Experience and share what you love about the new device and stand a chance to win the Phantom 9 smartphone.

For more information, visit TECNOSpot for Terms and Conditions and follow TECNOMobileNigeria on Facebook, @TECNOMobileNg on Twitter and Instagram.

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