Lady narrates how her sister went for an interview, found the interviewer wearing only boxer

A Nigerian lady named Otuosoro recently shared her unsettling experience on social media regarding a purported job interview that she and her sister attended, during which they found the potential interviewer wearing only boxer.

The story unfolded when Otuosoro’s sister received an invitation for a job interview, prompting her and Otuosoro to accompany her due to security concerns.

Lady narrates how her sister went for an interview, found out the interviewer was only wearing boxer

The address provided for the interview was that of an apartment, raising initial suspicions.

Upon arriving at the location, they were confronted with a situation that defied all expectations.

The potential interviewer, instead of being dressed in professional attire, was found wearing only boxers. This peculiar scenario left the trio baffled and uneasy.

Otuosoro recounted the incident on a social media platform.

She wrote;

“My sister had a job offer interview, so two of us decided to go with her because of the insecurity. We found out the address given was an apartment. And when we looked up, the said interviewer was wearing boxers!!! He called her from upstairs.”

The unusual turn of events took an even stranger twist when the interviewer, seemingly unfazed by his choice of attire, refused to come downstairs to meet the interviewee.

When asked to join them on the ground floor, he declined.

“She asked him to come down and he said no. Who the fuck wears boxers to interview someone? We left and the were said he was disappointed in her,” she added.

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