Pastor Adeboye addresses accusation of using demons power

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor E. A. Adeboye breaks the silence following claims of employing the power of demons for ministration.

During his sermon on Sunday, July 16th, the revered clergyman acknowledged hearing allegations that his powers originate from demonic forces within the Redemption Camp.

Pastor Adeboye demons power
Daddy G.O. RCCG, Pastor E. A. Adeboye. Credit: pastoreaadeboyeofficial / Instagram.

In response, Pastor Adeboye stated that rather than directly responding to the individual making the claim, he chose to pray for them. He explained that such an accusation constitutes an unforgivable sin, as attributing God’s glory to demons is a grave offence.

The pastor affirmed his statement by citing biblical instances and reassured his congregation that he is fervently praying for the person behind the rumour.

“Recently I heard that somebody was talking that Pastor Adeboye is getting the power he uses from demons at Redemption Camp.

People asked me if I wasn’t going to answer him, but I said we should be praying because this man is committing an unpardonable sin.

When people begin to give the Glory of Jesus Christ to demons. When you hear a person say such, you should pray for him for such a person,” he said.

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