Court orders businesswoman to submit to her husband’s authority

In a recent hearing at a Customary Court in Jikwoyi, Abuja, Nigerian woman named Mrs. Murikat Nura has been advised to exhibit submissiveness towards her husband, Mr. Matthew Nura.

The court session was held after Mr. Nura brought a complaint against his working-class wife, accusing her of constant arguments and disrespect.

Presiding Judge, Dada Oluwaseyi, delivered the admonition on Friday, July 7, 2023, directing Mrs. Nura to demonstrate humility and submission to her husband as the head of their household.

You don’t marry a man you cannot submit to. For the fact that you have married him, you are bound to submit to him. This is the exact reason why I always advise parties intending to tie the knot to be sure before they say ‘I do’.

“Don’t have a mindset that there is an option to opt-out. Women be submissive to your husband, so it is written in the holy book,”  stated the judge.

Judge Oluwaseyi further urged the couple to reflect on the well-being of their children, who were a result of their union, before making any irreversible decisions.

Recognizing the potential impact of a broken home on their offspring, the judge appealed to both parties to set aside their egos, pride, and unforgiving attitudes in order to prioritize reconciliation.

Don’t let those little kids be products of a broken home, for their sake please drop your ego, pride and unforgiving attitude. Reason beyond the flesh; marriages got bad because we reason in the flesh. For the sake of these little children, I want you both to reconcile,” the judge appealed.

The court adjourned the matter until July 27 to receive a report on the progress of settlement discussions between the couple.

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