“If you don’t want to be numbered, you take a walk” – Sarah Martins shades May Edochie in new post (Video)

Nollywood actress, Sarah Martins, has once again stirred up controversy by delving into the ongoing family saga involving actor Yul Edochie.

In a series of Instagram videos, the outspoken movie star shared footage of a woman expressing her support for the idea of African men marrying multiple wives.

"If you don’t want to be numbered, you take a walk” - Sarah Martins shades May Edochie in new post (Video)
Sarah Martins shades May Edochie in new post. Photo Credit: @officialsarahmartins Source: Instagram

Sarah Martins accompanied the videos with a lengthy caption that appeared to be aimed at Yul Edochie’s wife, May Edochie.

In her caption, she recounted her own personal experience of leaving her marriage after discovering her ex-husband’s infidelity with an older woman.

Sarah Martins shared that she had married her ex-husband at the age of 19 as a virgin, only to face betrayal later on.

"If you don’t want to be numbered, you take a walk” - Sarah Martins shades May Edochie in new post (Video)
Sarah Martins shades May Edochie in new post. Photo Credit: @mayyuledochie Source: Instagram

In her advice to women who are unable to accept their partners having multiple wives, Sarah Martins suggested following her own footsteps by leaving the relationship rather than making it a contentious issue.

She wrote;

This woman is a confirmed realist!
The only woman that spits facts upon facts!

I analyzed same thing but biased Nigerians that refused to learn and understand how these things work criticized and bullied me for speaking the truth.

My ex cheated with someone 25years older than me and because I refused to share what I thought was all mine, I chose to peacefully walk away.

I had no right to tell an African man not to be African so I took a walk.

If you don’t want to be numbered, you take a walk!

You can’t claim to love and respect the father of your kids and watch different people insult and ridicule him right in your very eyes.

A second wife is not the problem!
Bigamy is a scam in Nigeria so stop threatening an African man with Bigamy.

I moved on in peace without gathering pity party despite being married at 19yrs as a virgin.

Yes, my love was betrayed and I felt betrayed and used especially when I worked hard to remain decent for my future husband.
And when I finally married the husband of my youth, he fell out of love with me and went for an older woman.

What did I do???
I moved the hell on “in peace”’!!!!

Did it stop me from giving love a second chance? Hell NO!!!

In my 31yrs of age, my body count is not upto 5!

So I’m still very much hot, active and juicy…..it’s his loss not mine!!”

See below;