2023 Election: Northerners need someone from north as president and not Yoruba or Igbo – Atiku (Video)

Northerners need someone from north as president and not Yoruba or Igbo - Atiku

Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar who turned up for an interactive session of the Arewa townhall policy dialogue in Kaduna on Saturday, October 15, said the Northern region of the country only needs someone from the region as President.

Atiku who spoke to those who attended the event, said Northerners do need an Igbo or Yoruba person as president but “someone from the north”.

The Adamawa-born politicians who also asked Northerners to trust him with their votes, added that he has cross-crossed Nigeria’s 36 states and understands their peculiarities and diversities.

Northerners need someone from north as president and not Yoruba or Igbo - Atiku

He said;

“I have traversed the whole of this country. I know the whole of this country. I have built bridges across this country. I think what the average northerner needs is somebody who is from the north, and who also understands the other parts of Nigeria and who has been able to build bridges across the rest of the country.

“This is what the northerner needs. He (northerner) doesn’t need a Yoruba candidate, or an Igbo candidate. This is what the northerner needs.

“I stand before you as a pan-Nigerian of northern origin.”

Watch the video below…