How my mother introduced me to more than 9 fathers – Man shares his story

Nicholas Muturi has shared his story of how his biological mother introduced him to over 9 fathers.

According to him, his mother delivered him at 14 years and had to drop out of school in class 7. The mum at the time lived with his biological father but left him because he was not able to provide for them.

A year and a half after walking out of Nicholas’s father, she got married to his second father. There, Muturi became a big brother. But this relationship didn’t last long and the mom moved into another marriage.

The third father was a butcher by day and a robber by night. Despite the father being a criminal he loved and cared for Nicholas and his sister deeply, he provided for all their basic needs.

When Nicholas was in class 1 his 3rd father was arrested and sentenced to many years in prison. The mum then took them to their grandmother’s place.

After his release he continued with crime which eventually led to his death.

When he was in Class 3 he was introduced to the fourth father who loved them and cared for them very much. This relationship didn’t work out and they went their separate ways. After this his mother had 5 more minor relationships and she introduced all these men as his fathers.

His childhood experience affected him deeply making him a bitter, confused young man. However, when he found salvation, he found healing. Today he is a motivational speaker who cautions single parents to put their Children’s welfare first before having different romantic partners.