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Yvonne Jegede Writes Open Letter To Ex-Husband And Other Exes

Nollywood actress, Yvonne Jegede, has sent an open letter to her ex-husband, Olakunle ‘Abounce’ Fawole, and other exes she might have hurt in the past.

Read her post below:

”The last few years have been such an experience, I’ve had the high, the low, the incredible and the not so incredible. I’ve been hurt and I have hurt people as well but after my last birthday few days ago, I decided to totally let go of the past and earnest the opportunity in the present and reach out to the future to create a better story for myself and my family.

To this end, I am reaching out to all my Ex-es, the one I wouldn’t talk to or work with anymore, to say-I have forgiven you and I am also apologizing to those I have hurt because in relationships, it takes two(2) to tangle so I am also sorry.

To my Ex-husband, it is nothing but love, peace and mutual respect. The past is past, it didn’t work out, we should move on.

To business associates and friends turn strangers, for the moment I hurt you, I am deeply sorry. To those I felt hurt me, I have also forgiven. Let us work together again, let’s be cool again even if we are not best of friends.

To my fans, thank you for standing by this Choco Girl and to the whole wide world, I am starting afresh, please join me in this new journey”