Mother abandons her four children to buy mango without retuning

Mother abandons her four children to buy mango without retuning

A twitter user has taken to his account to express how his neighbor, a mother of four kids abandoned her kids in a pretence to buy mango only for him to wait till late night for her, without her returning.

Some people have expressed that something might have happened to the woman while going to buy the mango, because the security status in the country is way unexpected.

Mother abandons her four children to buy mango without retuning

Some others said she willingly abandoned her 4kids after packing their luggages in a bag and laying them outside the house.

However, some people have suggested that the man keeps the children with him till there is news on the whereabout of their mother.

Reacting to this, he asked if anyone would stand up for him if anything goes wrong, incase people start accusing him of kidnapping the children.