‘Marriage does not elevate the value of a woman’ – Simi

'Marriage does not elevate the value of a woman' - SimiNigerian singer, Simi who married her colleague, Adekunle Gold in private ceremony in Lagos in 2018, has condemned the notion that a woman should be respected just because she is married.

The singer in a few tweets on Saturday berated those who treat married woman whether they are right or wrong in special way just because she is married.

Marriage does not elevate the value of a woman - Simi -1

According to her, a woman’s worth should not be based on her marital status but on “the good that you do and the value you add.”

She tweeted;

“Hate when people defend women with “how can you talk to a married woman like that?” “You can’t do that to her. Do you know she’s married?” I know u mean well, but you’re implying that disrespecting single women is excusable. We gotta change that.

Marriage does not elevate the value of a woman. Every woman, regardless of status, must be treated respectfully. Some married women also need to erase this idea that they’re more special. You’re really not sis. Your special is in the good that you do and the value you add.”

'Marriage does not elevate the value of a woman' - Simi