Lady seeks advice over husband who’s obsessed with cheating

A lady has taken to Instagram to narrate how her husband who sleeps with several women, broke down in tears after contacting HIV.

Sharing her story, the lady who pleaded anonymity revealed she’s currently in a dilemma on what to do about the situation, because she still loves her husband.

She wrote,

“My husband has been a chronic cheat since we got married three years ago. Like he sleeps with any female no matter the age.

He has been acting like this since our marriage and anytime I confront him, he shouts at me and throws insults at him for daring to confront him.

Suddenly two weeks ago, he came home and I noticed he was acting strange. I met him and asked him the problem he said he cheated on me two days ago.

I was confused. It’s not a new things so why is this one different. He began to shed tears. Serious cry. Then he let out the bomb shell. Turns out that this particular lady he slept with had HIV and they slept together without protection.

After the encounter, the lady sent him a text message that she has HIV and he should not spread it to his innocent wife. I still love my husband and I don’t know what to do right now”.