‘Don’t marry a useless woman that will make you hate your own children’ – Grieving Nigerian lady begs divorced, widowed men with kids

A young Muslim Nigerian lady Sally Suleiman, who is mourning the death of her brother has begged windowed and divorced men with children to desist from marrying ‘useless women’.

She wrote;

“Dear Men I’m begging you with God. Like I’m on my knees begging. If you have a child and you are divorced or widowed please don’t marry a useless woman. Don’t marry a woman that will divide the family. Be sensitive to things. Your children comes first before any woman.”

“A woman that segregates the children. Make you hate your own children and treat them badly is not a woman you should live with. If she treats her own children better than the children from your divorced or dead wife then please she doesn’t deserve to be in your house,”

She also advised widowed and divorced men seeking to take second wives not to allow ‘wet vagina’ and Kaya Mata rule their brains and to immediately abort the mission.

“Keep your penis in one place least you meet women that will destroy you and your family”

To the ‘witches’ trying to enrich themselves by marrying rich men who already have families, she said: “God already gave you hands.Use your hand and work for your own money”

See the rest of her tweets below: